Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's Getting Less and Less Possible to NOT Have Babies...

I just wanted to say this after reading about Utah being fucking insane now, and about the whole "live tweeting my abortion" thing.

I am pro-choice. I am not "anti-life". I think life is baller, and to call me and those who believe as I do "anti-life" is disingenuous. It is accurate, however, to call pro-choicers "anti-choice". Because they are opposed to women having the choice to terminate when necessary. I think that's pretty cut and dry.

I think that it's not going to be possible to convince someone who believes that life begins at conception otherwise. That belief is most often based on religious belief, and I understand and respect that belief. I wouldn't force someone to have an abortion. Do with your own body what is right for you. There's no respect whatsoever on the anti-choice side.

It's as simple as this: I am pro-choice because I support a woman's right to choose, and I am NOT anti-life because I support everyone's right to have their life and to do what is right for them in their life. I don't recognise a fetus's autonomy until physical autonomy is possible. Until they are born, they are consuming a woman's physical resources without her permission (unless of course the fetus was planned/wanted) and if for any reason that's not cool with her, her rights trump the rights of the fetus/embryo.

Pro-lifers are truly anti-choice, because they DO NOT want women to have a choice when it comes to unwanted pregnancy. I kind of don't really think they're even all that pro-life, because they don't give two shits about the quality of life of anyone with any real level of personhood. They don't want you to have access to information that would avoid STIs, they don't want you to have access to safer sex materials that will allow you to avoid unwanted pregnancies. If you become pregnant by accident, they want to force you to carry that unwanted pregnancy to term, and then you'll be forced to go through hours and hours of labour to finally get that life form OUT of your body. And don't forget that in the US you pay for every single medical goo gaw that is a part of your pregnancy. You'll pay for every pre-natal visit, and every consultation and every asprin, and when the doctors induce your labour you will pay for that, and the episiotomy and the stitches afterwards and ALLLLL that good stuff. Yeah, you owe them so much money post pregnancy. Plus then, you know, you have a baby if you don't go through the struggle of choosing someone to adopt your genetic contribution. Does that sound like they give a shit about your life?

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